Terms & Conditions for Tour Coach Charters
Our bid is based strictly on the itinerary you submit so it's important your itinerary reflects the sequence you intend to follow. Posting an itinerary does not commit the customer or this company- it is only intended to provide the customer feedback on the specific cost for the itinerary submitted. Once the itinerary is submitted you'll receive an e-mail or phone call to let you know the quoted price. You then have 30 days to accept the quoted price. To accept the quoted price you must call 406 761-0967 to confirm your acceptance. We book 90 days in advance so when you call we can determine then our ability to support your request. Once you have accepted the bid and we confirm availability of assets your bid is locked in and confirmed for that specific amount. Itineraries must meet D.O.T. hours of service rules for commercial drivers. A single driver trip must be completed within 10 hour maximum driving time. Double driver trips must be completed within 15 hours driving time. The itinerary must include the data critical to your trip: i.e. departure / arrival times; stops enroute; specific route request; etc. Listing the critical information allows us to route you to arrive on time for each designated stop / event. Our bids are good for 30 days from the date they are e-mailed or phoned to you. The bid price submitted is the price billed. Some company's provide a bid and then after the trip they send a supplemental bill for other issues such as a shuttling charge for shuttling mileage that occurred during the trip. Our bids are all inclusive - we bill only for the price bid based on the itinerary you submit. If there are any changes to your itinerary after it is submitted, you must request a new bid. All groups must pay for driver lodging for overnight stays. We book 90 days out - to ensure availability of equipment please confirm your booking as soon as possible after receiving your bid. Drivers must follow the established final itinerary once it is accepted - they are not allowed to deviate from the approved itinerary while enroute.
Bid approval subject to route verification and D.O.T. hours of service rules based on your submitted itinerary. Route of travel must be confirmed to ensure there are no "height or weight" restrictions and that travel can be completed within authorized D.O.T. Hours of Service Rules.
Cancellation Policy:
If your charter is cancelled seven (7) calendar days or more prior to the scheduled start date - there is NO CHARGE. If the charter is cancelled less than seven (7) days prior to the start date you agree to pay the $300.00 cancellation fee. Cancellation fee is deducted from the down payment when applicable.
No pre-payment O.A.C. Otherwise a 10% down-payment is required.
Damage(s) are billed at cost for parts and labor.
Groups transporting alcoholic beverages are responsible to ensure there is no spillage on the interior seats. One member of the group must be designated to control all other members of the group - we do not expect our drivers to be the disciplinarian force.

Let us worry about the fuel prices, the best route of travel and how long it will take you to get where you want to go. Sit back, relax, watch a movie or look out at the beauty of our state. Our safe and reliable driver will do his best to serve the needs of your group. What are you waiting for…...call us!

(406) 761-0967
Fax: 406-761-3801
coach @bigskybuslines.com
julie @bigskybuslines.com
We are Department of Defense Certified

All Major Credit Cards Accepted